Inspired by Anton Chekhov's The Seagull, the film "centers around Elizabeth (Allison Janney), a movie star, who brings her paramour Peter to her lakeside estate to visit her family on Memorial Day weekend," press notes state. "The household includes her ailing brother (William Hurt), her artist son (Ben Whishaw), his ethereal muse (Juliet Rylance), the family doctor (Jean Reno) and the estate's custodian (Russell Means), the careless caretaker (Michael Nyqvist) and his wife (Cherry Jones), their temperamental daughter (Katie Holmes) and her long suffering ornithologist husband (Mark Rylance) — the keeper of the sacred land where a bald eagle is trying to raise its young. During the weekend a disastrous turn of events leads the family from dysfunction to heartbreak and, ultimately, salvation."
Watch the trailer below.