In the absence of a West End LIVE festival this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the stars of the West End production of SIX banded together virtually for an online performance of “Haus of Holbein.” Check out their video, replete with glitz, glam, fan art, and (multiple!) costume reveals, above.
Prior to the song, Danielle Steers and Courtney Bowman, who play Catherine Parr and Anne Boleyn, respectively, answer fan questions. In addition to the duo, the West End cast includes Jarneia Richard-Noel as Catherine of Aragon, Natalie Paris as Jane Seymour, Alexia McIntosh as Anna of Cleves, and Sophie Isaacs as Katherine Howard.
The dynamic half-dozen will take the stage again this summer as SIX tours the U.K. in a drive-in, open-air presentation, with audience members stationed in or around their own vehicles. The musical will play multiple performances in 12 spaces around the country, with the London and U.K. touring casts splitting the itinerary.
After originating in the U.K. at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2017, SIX, a pop-laden re-imaging of Henry VIII’s six wives, headed to London, going on to earn five Olivier Award nominations. The musical, written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, began previews on Broadway February 13, but was hours short of its official opening night March 12 before the New York shutdown brought all productions to a standstill, with the U.K. and other engagements around the world following suit shortly after.