Seeking AEA and non union performers | Playbill


Seeking AEA and non union performers

CATEGORY: Performer

Ozark Actors Theatre
Rolla , MO

Job Details


Ozark Actors Theatre (OAT) is seeking video submissions from professional actors both union and non union for our 2025 summer season!


Please prepare a classic comedic musical theater piece to accompany a monologue no longer than 90 seconds.

OAT is a small non profit professional theater in the heart of Rolla, Missouri running under an SPT5 contract.

Any questions you might have can be addressed to our Producing Artistic Director, Blane Pressler at his email [email protected].

The deadline for your videos submission is March 1, 2025.




(Baritone, Late 30s-60s)

The King of England, who sets out on a

quest to form the Knights of the Round Table and find the Holy Grail. Great humor.

Good singer.


(Alto with large range, 20s-40s)

A Diva. Strong, beautiful,

possesses mystical powers. The leading lady of the show. Great singing voice is

essential, as she must be able to sing effortlessly in many styles and vocal

registers. Sings everything from opera to pop to scatting. Gets angry easily.


(Tenor/Baritone, 30s-40s)

A Knight of the Round Table. Ironically called

"Sir Robin the Brave," though he couldn't be more cowardly. Joins the Knights for the

singing and dancing. Also plays GUARD 1 and BROTHER MAYNARD, a long-winded

monk. A good mover.


(Tenor/Baritone, 30s-40s)

A Knight of the Round Table. He is fearless

to a bloody fault but through a twist of fate discovers his "softer side." This actor MUST

be great with character voices and accents, as he also plays THE FRENCH TAUNTER,

an arrogant, condescending, over-the-top Frenchman; the KNIGHT OF NI, an absurd,

cartoonish leader of a peculiar group of Knights; and TIM THE ENCHANTER, a ghostly

being with a Scottish accent.


(Tenor/Baritone, 30s-40s)

King Arthur's horse and servant. Under-appreciated

but always longing for Arthur's approval. Good, funny, physical mover with some tap

dancing. Also plays MAYOR, a jolly red-faced man who advertises the merits of his

hometown; and the drunken, useless GUARD 2. Very good mover. Tap skills a bonus.


(Tenor, 30s)

A Knight of the Round Table. Begins as Dennis, a lower class "mud gatherer" who becomes knighted and transforms into the dashing Sir

Galahad. Also plays PRINCE HERBERT'S FATHER, a wealthy, brutish Yorkshireman at

odds with his sensitive son; and THE BLACK KNIGHT, who is always ready to duel

despite multiple injuries. Strong bari-tenor singing required.


(Tenor/Baritone with falsetto, 20s-40s)

A Knight of the Round Table. An inept scholar. Also plays DENNIS GALAHAD'S MOTHER, a shrill peasant woman; and CONCORDE, Sir Lancelot's horse.


(Tenor, 20s-30s)

A tweedy academic. Also plays NOT DEAD FRED, a sickly little fellow who -- despite others' beliefs -- claims he is "not yet dead"; a FRENCH GUARD, the condemnatory sidekick to the French Taunter; a MINSTREL in Sir Robin's band; and PRINCE HERBERT, the hopeful and frilly prince who loves to sing and pines for his love atop a tower. Tenor singing required. Very good mover.


Seeking singer/dancers and singers to play many roles including the other Knights of the Round Table, Sir Not Appearing, Sir Bohrs, Bodies in “Not Yet Dead," the Dancing Monk, the Dancing Nun, French Citizens, Finland Citizens, a French Guard, Robin's Minstrel, and more! Strong dance skills preferred; tap skills a



Seeking strong dancers and singers to play many roles including the Camelot Girls, the Laker Girls, a French Guard, Knights of Ni, two of Robin's Minstrels, French Citizens, Finland Citizens, and more! Strong dance skills necessary.

Peter and the Starcatcher

Black Stache

A notorious pirate, terrorizing the seven seas in search of a worthy adversary. Heartless, hirsute, and suspiciously well read. Partial to the poetical and theatrical, which causes him to behave quite flamboyantly.

Molly Aster

A young girl and Starcatcher apprentice who is taken aboard the Neverland as precious cargo. Curious and intelligent, she is only beginning to understand the confusing romantic longings that come with her age. She will risk anything for the sake of what is right.

Age: 13 to 25


A lonely and hardened orphan who doesn't miss much. Nameless, homeless, and friendless at the beginning of the play and a hero by

the end. He wants a home and a family more than anything, and dreams of a life of being free.

Age: 13 to 25

Grempkin (Fighting Prawn/Mack/Sanchez)

The schoolmaster of St. Norbert's Orphanage for Lost Boys. Mean and malodorous, he revels in keeping his boys in the dark and

malnourished. Doublings include:


Age: 40 to 60

Mrs. Bumbrake

Molly's nanny, a stereotypical British cad and outfitted with the duty of teaching Molly about womanhood. She still has enough charm in her

age to attract a sailor or two. Optional Doubling as TEACHER. This role is played by a male presenting actor.

Age: 40 to 60

Bill Slank

The vicious orphaned captain of the Neverland. Does not possess the capacity to lead anyone but himself, which puts himself constantly in disaster. Greedy enough to send boys to their doom for the chance of gaining starstuff. Optional Doubling as HAWKING CLAM.

Age: 35 to 55


Black Stache's first mate. He is single-mindedly dedicated to his captain's every whim.

Age: 25 to 50


An orphan, ambitious, hyper articulate, and logical. He yearns to be leader, even when he knows in his heart that he'll never be one. A bit

of a blowhard with a touch of cowardice.

Age: 13 to 25


A seafarer, an old sea dog proud of his tenure. His kind heart gives him an appeal to the feminine sensibility.

Age: 50 to 65

Lord Leonard Aster

Molly's father, a loyal subject to the Queen. The very model of a Victorian English gentleman, he is a faithful friend and a secret Starcatcher.

Age: 40 to 60

Captain Robert Falcon Scott

Lord Aster's old school friend, the captain of the Wasp, Britain's fastest frigate. Lives with nautical bravura and heroic patriotism.

Age: 35 to 45


An orphan obsessed with food. A natural performer with easy wit and quite poetic language.

Age: 13 to 25

Once Upon a Mattress

Prince Dauntless

A young prince who desperately wants to get married, but is prevented by his mother's strict tests that she gives to all potential candidates.

Voice: Baritone (A3 to E4)

Princess Winnifred the Woebegone

An outspoken, strong, and optimistic princess from the swamp lands. She also wants to get married, but must go through the queen's unfair test as well.

Voice: Belt (A3 to D♭ 5)

Queen Aggravain

The loud, talkative woman who really rules the country. She is trying to keep her son, Prince Dauntless, from getting married.

Voice: Alto (A3 to B4)


An energetic and peppy man who is the King's right-hand man and

assists him with every endeavor. The Jester also plots with the Minstrel to spoil the

Queen's plans.

Voice: Tenor (D♭ 3 to A♭ 4)

King Sextimus the Silent

A kind, expressive, and playful man who is silent due to a curse placed upon him by a witch before the birth of Dauntless. He likes to chase girls through the corridors of the castle

Voice: Mute


The handsome narrator of the story. He becomes smitten with Lady

Larken and tries to persuade her to flee to Normandy with him. He and the Jester

also join forces to stop the Queen's plans.

Voice: Tenor (D3 to A♭ 4)

Sir Harry

The macho, romantic knight who decides to leave the kingdom to search for a princess. Harry cannot marry Lady Larken until Prince Dauntless has found a suitable bride.

Voice: Tenor (C3 to G4)


The egotistical, ex-performer who directly serves the Queen.

Voice: Baritone (low: A2)

Nightengale of Samarkand

A royal pet that sings a lullaby to put Winnifred

to sleep.

Voice: Soprano (B3 to G5)

Princess No. 12

A ditsy princess

Voice: N/A


Ladies-in-waiting, Knights, Soldiers, Servants, Musicians


Jun 2, 2025 - Aug 10, 2025


$250.00 – $512.00 per week





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